

Lockbin is a HIPAA compliant messaging service. Professionals use Lockbin to communicate easily with their their customers, patients and clients.


Smaily is an intentionally simple tool made to create and send out beautiful email newsletters. We’ll help you increase the quality and results of your email marketing, while reducing preparation time and resources.


Signority is the easiest and most secure eSignature platform for SME's, that lets you get your documents signed on any device, anytime. You can also manage, share and store your documents to streamline your operations.


Betasend is an email marketing and automation platform, with Betasend you can trigger autoresponders and send unlimited newsletters to your subscribers.


Upscribe enables you to create embedable newsletter signup forms for Medium, SquareSpace, WordPress, and other awesome platforms.

Wheel of Popups

Wheel of Popups offers small discounts to your website visitors for giving you their email address through a gamified pop-up.


MoonMail is a powerful tool that helps you do amazing email marketing in a simple, human centric way.

Automatic notes from every meeting. Fireflies dials into your call to take notes. Automate actions by setting custom commands and alerts.

SmartReach is a sales automation platform that helps you automate sending cold-emails and follow-ups from your mailbox and running email outreach campaigns with built-in tools.

Builderall Mailingboss

Builderall Mailingboss is an Autoresponder and Email Marketing Platform. With Mailingboss you can capture and send unlimited emails with superior delivery and open rates.

AddEvent and your email software can be used for:

Transfer RSVP attendees to your email software

When you have created an event that requires RSVP, you can transfer the collected information entered by the attendee automatically to e.g. a contact list.


Add "add to calendar links" into your email confirmation emails

When your users RSVP for your event, use your connected email software to send a confirmation email. Use AddEvent's automated "add to calendar" functionality to create "add to calendar" links and embed that inside the confirmation email.

We support a wide range of most popular used calendar providers:
Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook Calendar, Office 365,, Yahoo Calendar


Add an event to your AddEvent calendar

When your users sign up for e.g. one of your appointments, automatically create the event to your AddEvent calendar and display the events using AddEvent's embeddable calendar.


Using a service we don't yet cover?

If you use a service we don't yet offer an integration for, please let us know! Supporting an integration for that service might be only an activation away.