Payment Provider


CheckoutJoy is an eCommerce platform that helps e-learning businesses worldwide to increase revenue and save costs by offering advanced checkout experiences.


Checkify is one-page customizable checkout for online stores with post-purchase upsells, a wide choice of payment gateways, and much more.


InkXE is an all-in-one online product designer tool made for print shops and product personalization businesses.


SimpleFunnel is an embeddable payments widget you can install on any website as a no-code solution that allows you to collect payments from customers.


Turbine makes it easy to create, review and manage purchase orders online or on your smartphone. Get control of your spending and streamline your approval process using our simple online order form.


Handshake is an e-commerce platform strictly for B2B, with a native mobile app for your sales reps in the field, a customizable website storefront, and a mobile buying experience.


Pxmo is an app for creating compelling proposals.


Burq provides a delivery API and dashboard to help businesses offer on-demand and same-day delivery to their customers.


Voma is a payment platform that enables creators to sell online courses, membership sites, digital products, paid email newsletters, or monthly subscriptions.


Inventory software for fast growing businesses.

AddEvent and your payment provider software can be used for:

Transfer RSVP attendees to your payment provider software

When you have created an event that requires RSVP, you can transfer the collected information entered by the attendee automatically to e.g. a contact list.


Add "add to calendar links" into your payment provider confirmation emails

When your users RSVP for your event, use your connected payment provider software to send a confirmation email. Use AddEvent's automated "add to calendar" functionality to create "add to calendar" links and embed that inside the confirmation email.

We support a wide range of most popular used calendar providers:
Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook Calendar, Office 365,, Yahoo Calendar


Add an event to your AddEvent calendar

When your users sign up for e.g. one of your appointments, automatically create the event to your AddEvent calendar and display the events using AddEvent's embeddable calendar.


Using a service we don't yet cover?

If you use a service we don't yet offer an integration for, please let us know! Supporting an integration for that service might be only an activation away.