Wednesday, May 4, 5:30pm - 7:00pm (CDT)
Unable to attend in person? Watch the streamed event here.
A screening and conversation about the use of rituals, symbols, and lore to forge identities that defy the logic of the nation.
First World Order is free and will be livestreamed. RSVPing is not mandatory, but we encourage you to register in advance in order to receive updates on the event and the link to the livestream. The event is part of a series that concludes Unknown States, an issue devoted to the fictions that make up nations and nationalities. The series also includes Stopping Time, with Lou Cornum, Raven Chacon, and Audra Simpson; Empires in the Sky, with Atossa Araxia Abrahamian and Rana Dasgupta; and Executive Fiction, with Richard Beck, Ari Brostoff, and Sean McCann.
All attendees are required to present proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 and to wear masks unless otherwise indicated. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis (even for those who have RSVP’d). The doors will open thirty minutes prior to the event and attendance will be limited, given safety concerns and the capacity of our venue.
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