Tuesday, April 15
Occurs yearly in April on the 15th of the month, starting from Apr 15, 2024, 7 times (PDT)
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All U.S. Corporations are required to file a Corporate Income Tax Return (form 1120) whether or not the company has any income, expenses, or financial activity. Your R&D Tax Credit forms are due with this filing.
If you are “doing business” in any states (i.e. have W-2 employees — not 1099 contractors or consultants, an office, fixed assets, or sales — typical state-specified threshold is $100,000) you will have to file and pay State Corporate Income Tax in that state.
You can file an extension which will extend your deadline by 6 months — to October 15. However, you will need to pay any taxes owed with your extension. In order to qualify for R&D Tax Credits (payroll election), you cannot miss this deadline. Learn more in the Founder's Guide to Corporate Taxes.
Join 1,000+ founders and let Fondo help you with these filings, get an instant quote here.