Monday, November 27, 12:30pm - 12:45pm (EST)
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Subtle Medical is a healthcare technology company focused on ongoing innovation. Our goal is to continuously develop solutions that improve medical imaging by enhancing speed and safety, and ultimately optimizing the radiology workflow. In this session, we will discuss why healthcare institutions are increasingly adopting Subtle Medical's AI-powered software solutions, including SubtleMR™ and SubtlePET™, for faster image acquisition. We will introduce our latest innovations in synthetic imaging, including SubtleSYNTH™, which further enhances time efficiency. You will also receive a glimpse into our bigger vision and newest innovations, including SubtleALLY™, which extend beyond accelerated imaging and aim to simplify the ever increasing complexity of radiology workflow tasks in order to alleviate physician burnout and allow you to achieve peak efficiency.
Greg Zaharchuk, MD, PhD
Founder, Subtle Medical
Professor and Neuroradiologist, Stanford University
AI Theatre, RSNA 2023
Ashley Guidace,