

With Claudia Citkovitz, LAc

While tui na is commonly used to treat musculoskeletal pain, its applications for women’s health are numerous and extremely effective, especially when combined with martial arts theory adaptations and acupressure/daoyin.

This class will explore a core repertoire of techniques for different stages and conditions related to women’s health, including general pelvic health; cycles of blood loss and rebuilding; surgeries; pregnancies; urinary difficulties; and change/cessation of cycles over time. Specific applications for dysmenorrhea, abdominal surgery, urinary urgency and perimenopausal transition, among other conditions, will be addressed.
  • Practice tuina techniques for women’s health related conditions
  • Explore self-acupressure and partner pressure techniques that can be shared with patients and their partners to optimize women’s health

Questions? Contact Cynthia Neipris at