Saturday, December 10, 12:45pm - 1:30pm (CST)
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Place Quebec in the Palais de Congrès, Montreal, 13:45- 14:30 EST
Hosted by NatureFinance
Achieving the goals of an ambitious Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework requires not only significant mobilisation of resources but also the realignment of huge volumes of public and private finance towards nature positive, equitable outcomes. NatureFinance has developed a first of its kind Alignment Tool to allow national, international and corporate financial actors to assess their degree of alignment and support the changes needed to put them on the path to a nature positive, net zero future.
At this event, we will reveal the new Alignment tool, designed to help financial actors identify, measure and disclose how their financial flows are aligned with nature-positive outcomes.
Moderated by Simon Zadek, the session will include Jeremy Eppel, Principal, NatureFinance, Steven Guilbeault, Canadian Minister of the Environment, Elizabeth Mrema, CBD Executive Secretary and Vian Sharif, CEO of NatureAlpha.
Place Quebec in the Palais de Congrès, Montreal