Monday, June 24, 12:00pm - 1:00pm (CDT)
As part of the AMA ChangeMedEd® initiative’s new strategic focus on precision education, the AMA supported a supplement in the April 2024 issue of Academic Medicine entitled, “The Next Era of Assessment: Advancing Precision Education for Learners to Ensure High-Quality, Equitable Care for Patients.” In the supplement, authors compel readers to consider a next era of assessment that places the focus of assessment to ensure high-quality, equitable care for patients. The system of precision education in assessment is an approach that meets learners where they are in their development and helps them take the specific next steps needed to continue their development.
This webinar features authors, Brian T. Garibaldi, MD, MEPH and Eric Warm, MD from the ChangeMedEd® supplement in Academic Medicine who are taking novel approaches to apply precision education and use data and technology for effective assessment of learners at their own institutions.
Health care professionals can claim continuing medical education (CME) credit or certificate of participation for attending.
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