Last occurrence: Tuesday, December 21, 9:00am - 10:00am (CST)
Occurs every other week on Tuesday, starting from Apr 27, 2021, until Dec 28, 2021 (GMT)
Time zone
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The Circular Economy Show is a fortnightly discussion and debate around how we can move from a linear take-make-waste economy towards a circular economy.
In each episode, our hosts are joined by inspiring businesses, policymakers, academics, and designers to discuss how circular economy solutions are being scaled, at speed, to create long-term economic growth and tackle global challenges including climate change and pollution.
Throughout 2021 we will be bringing you engaging conversations on topics including circular design, measuring circular economy performance at the company level, financing the circular economy, and regenerative food production solutions to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss.
Visit The Circular Economy Show Room on our Community Platform, where you can find out more and watch the show live:
Ellen MacArthur Foundation,