Tuesday, October 18, 11:00am - Thursday, October 20, 6:00pm (CDT)
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Pre-Auction Offers Invited for All Major Assets
Day 1, October 18 - Machine Shop, Welding, Carpenter Shop, Brick Shop, Air Compressors, Cranes and Plant Support
Day 2, October 19 - Rolling Stock, Wheel Loaders, Rail Car Movers, Forklifts, Scissor Lifts, Boom Lifts, Taylor Dunn Utility Vehicles, Steel Mill Assets, Large Quantity of Refractory Brick, Lab Equipment, Plant Support and Much More
Day 3, October 20 - Maintenance, Bearings, Electrical, over 100 Motors up to 250 HP, Gear Boxes, Spares, Plant Support, Pallet Racking, Stronghold Cabinets and More
All items must be removed no later than Friday, November 11. All removal is strictly on an appointment only basis. Anyone removing purchased items with a lift truck or another powered vehicle must have a certificate of insurance with a $2M General Liability policy, the policy must include a Worker's Compensation rider, and that certificate of insurance must be provided to the auctioneer for review and approval prior to the auction.
Sale preview will be held on Monday, October 17, by appointment only. Please schedule your inspection appointment in advance by calling +1-847-545-6374 or email jennifer@perfectionindustrial.com.
6200 Malaga Alcoa Highway
Malaga, WA 98828
Jennifer Reiner, jennifer@perfectionindustrial.com